Stop and answer these questions:
Have you and your child been living for years with the pain and frustration of bedwetting? Have you tried everything under the sun to end bedwetting with no success? Are you over washing urine-soaked sheets or spending money on pull-ups? Are you tired of not getting real answers from medical professionals? Are you done hearing these words on repeat: “Wait, they might outgrow it some day?”
We get it!
A bedwetter is an extremely deep sleeper. They can sleep through the piercing sound of a smoke alarm meant to alert them to an active fire. This deep sleep–a concerning sleep disorder–is the sole cause of the bedwetting, and the ONLY way to end bedwetting is to build a new pattern of sleep for your child.
What makes us different?
It’s because we provide evidence-based and personalized bedwetting treatment AND pair your family with our version of a coach–a Bedwetting Treatment Therapist–who can see what the untrained eye cannot. Our multi-modal approach makes all the difference to overcome this complex problem. With our specific communication structure, direction, and protocols, you’ll FINALLY reap the ultimate reward you’ve been waiting for: A dry bed every morning–for life.
We’ve stood strong for 50 years in the face of skepticism, criticism, and doubt because the results of our program provide peace of mind for our families, and a sense of freedom for their children.
That’s our guarantee for your family— and we put it in writing. Call us today.