Bedwetting Help for Parents

Nothing's been working? We can change that.

lets talk

You’re Not Alone

If you’ve felt frustrated by bedwetting solutions that don’t work, you’re not alone. Many parents try alarms, medication, and other methods without success. Our approach is different. We use an evidence-based, personalized plan, led by expert therapists, to target the root cause of bedwetting: disordered deep sleep.

What to Expect

  • Dry and easy mornings for your child, plus restful sleep for the first time every night.
  • Better focus, school performance, energy, and mood regulation.
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem. Feeling “normal” for the first time.
  • Reduction or elimination of ADHD-like symptoms, including hyperactivity and distractibility.
  • No more fear and anxiety with camp stays, sleepovers, or living in a college dorm.

Will My Child Outgrow Bedwetting?

Dr. Diane N. Rosenbaum, a psychologist at the Center to Assist in the Regulation of Enuresis, which is part of Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, asserts that most pediatricians don’t know how to treat bedwetting.

Frustrated parents are often told, “Don’t worry about bedwetting. It’s not a big deal. Your child could outgrow it one day.” Yet a major study in the British Journal of Urology (May 2006) concludes that most children won’t outgrow bedwetting unless they get help.

Unfortunately, the notion that a child will outgrow bedwetting has been normalized by the medical community, and it’s time to end this outdated mindset. Not only is the wait traumatizing, but if the bedwetting were to magically disappear, then the root cause–an abnormal, deep-sleep disorder–will remain in place for your child’s lifetime.

This means related symptoms of the disorder can surface in the future, including: Sleep apnea, sleep walking, sleep talking, insomnia, excessive snoring, and teeth grinding. Plus you can expect increasingly difficult mornings. Bedwetting is a red flag. It tells us that your child isn’t getting good sleep. You’re likely seeing the effects of this on their behavior, mood, energy, and focus, which grow more challenging over time.

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The Psychological Effects of Bedwetting

Wetting the bed can be an assault on a child’s self-esteem, especially for an older child or teenager. Very often they suffer in silence. The single greatest fear is being “discovered,” which often causes them to withdraw, or to feel the need to “harbor a secret” to avoid being teased or feeling ashamed – sometimes even with siblings.

Older children still wetting will often avoid participating in activities such as camp or sleepovers with friends. And 18 years-olds ready to embark on a new college adventure are often faced with the task of having to hide their bedwetting and fearful that they actually can. There’s no doubt about it: The longer bedwetting goes untreated, the greater the potential for psychological and emotional harm. We see this on a regular basis.

Take the first step today by scheduling a consultation with our team. We’ve helped thousands of families just like yours.

What Doesn’t Cure Bedwetting?

  • Medication/Drugs
  • Alarm devices
  • Pull-Ups/Goodnites
  • Interrupting sleep to pee
  • Restricting fluids
  • Changes in diet
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Constipation therapy
  • Vitamins or supplements
  • Tongue tie correction
  • Palate expanders
  • Rewards or punishment
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Removal of tonsils/adenoids
  • PTNS – Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation

What Doesn’t Cause Bedwetting?

  • Drinking fluids at night
  • Toilet training mistakes
  • A missing hormone
  • A small bladder
  • Constipation
  • Erratic bedtimes
  • Laziness
  • Poor diet
  • Tongue tie
  • A narrow palate
  • Physical abuse
  • Spinal galant reflex
  • Psychological challenges
  • Physiological challenges
working together
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Committed to Ending Bedwetting for Good

Meet Our Team

Mother/Daughter Team
Barbara J. Moore, Founder, and Gaile Nixon, Director of Patient Care

Take the First Step Towards
Peace of Mind Relief Confidence Comfort

Fill out the form to request a call. Let us guide you to the next step in achieving dry nights.

As an added bonus, we’ll email you a copy of our free eBook “Life Without Bedwetting Starts Here”

  • Understand the Real Cause
  • Dispel Common Myths
  • Discover Effective, Non-Invasive Treatment
  • Boost Your Child’s Emotional Well-Being
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Take the First Step Towards Confidence and Comfort

We're here to help your child overcome bedwetting and regain their confidence. Fill out the form below, and one of our experts will reach out to you within 24 hours.

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